Night College
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Courses We Offer


Educational Activities at a glance Affiliated to University of Mumbai

Degree college of Arts, Science, Commerce & Mgnt-BMS. ( Day College)
Degree college of Arts, Commerce & Mgnt-BMS. ( Night)


S.S.C and H.S.C Board

Jr. College of Commerce – IT and Maths.
Jr. Vocational College – Computer Science, Electronics, Mech.Maintenance ,Ele.Maintenance
MCVC – Ele.Technology, Mech.Technology, Medical Lab Tech.
Technical School 9 th to 10 th Std


Other Activities of MPES Society

Times of India Spoken English Course.

Future Activities

To encourage, sponsor the talented students to participate and appear for competitive examinations like UPSC, MPSC, IAS, IPS, IRS etc.
To start higher education activities like Polytechnics, Engineering.
To expand and extend the present building located in Parel, Mumbai. The plans are submitted to Municipal Corporation of Gr. Mumbai for final approval, and will be approved soon. The total cost of the project is approximately 22 crors. We have collected about 60% of funds, the institute apples to the generous personalities, corporates and companies to extend financial assistance under “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and / or by any other permissible rules
The cheques may be drawn in favour of “Mahatma Phule Education Society – Development Funds”